Modern Home Design: MG House in Sao Paolo, Brazil

If you want to find a house that will make you able to stay in the house all day because it has everything, thismodern homedesign in Sao Paolo, Brazil might be the one that will answer you search. This incredible modern home design has everything you need. It is equipped with gym room, home theater, swimming pool and an extraordinary space setting. What else do you need from a house? This wonderful modern home design is created by Reinach Mendona Arquitetos Associados and it is called the MG Residence. With this kind of quality, this amazing modern home design is indeed one of the best modern home designs that you can find right now.

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Modern Home: the Structural Setting

This superb modern home design lies in a very wide area. Space is not the problem in this outstanding modern home design. This special modern home design is a two stories house with a lot of windows in it. Well, the designer wants to directly connect to people who live inside this awesome modern home design with the outdoor area. That is the reason why this fascinating modern home design is equipped with a lot of windows and, of course, a beautiful outdoor setting. Take a look at the 25 meter swimming pool, it is amazing isn't it?

Modern Home: the Interior Setting

The inner part of this perfect modern home design is decorated by using modern minimalist design with superb furniture selection. Take a look at the living room. This modern style living room is decorated by using modern minimalist design. This space is dominated by white color and the great thing about this modern style living room is that when you are here, you can directly see the backyard, the swimming pool.

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Posted in Home Improvement Post Date 12/18/2023






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